How Does Your Skin Tone Affect Your Wardrobe?

Tips for Finding the Best Colours for Your Skin Tone

As you build your wardrobe, one important factor to consider is your skin tone. Your skin tone can affect how certain colours look on you, and choosing the right colours can enhance your natural beauty and boost your confidence. In this blog post, we'll explore the relationship between skin tone and wardrobe, and share some tips on how to find the best colours for your skin tone.

Understanding Skin Tone

Skin tone is the natural colour of your skin, which can vary depending on your ethnicity, sun exposure, and other factors. Skin tone is often categorized into three main types: fair, medium, and deep. Within each type, there can be variations in undertones, which are the underlying hues of the skin. Undertones can be cool (pink or blue), warm (yellow or golden), or neutral (a mix of cool and warm).

To determine your skin tone and undertones, try these simple tests:

Vein test: Look at the veins on the inside of your wrist. If they appear blue, you have cool undertones. If they appear green, you have warm undertones. If you can't tell, you may have neutral undertones.

Jewellery test: Try on silver and gold jewellery. If silver looks better on you, you have cool undertones. If gold looks better, you have warm undertones. If both look good, you may have neutral undertones.

White test: Hold a white piece of paper next to your face. If your skin looks more yellow or sallow, you have warm undertones. If your skin looks pink or rosy, you have cool undertones. If your skin looks grey or ashy, you may have neutral undertones.

Once you have a better idea of your skin tone and undertones, you can start to choose colours that complement your complexion.

Choosing Colours for Your Skin Tone

While there are no hard rules about which colours you can or can't wear based on your skin tone, there are some general guidelines that can help you look your best. Here are some tips for choosing colours for each skin tone type:

Fair skin tone: If you have fair skin, you may have cool or neutral undertones. Colours that work well for you include soft pastels, cool blues, and deep jewel tones. Avoid colours that are too bright or harsh, such as neon or bright red.

Medium skin tone: If you have medium skin, you may have warm, cool, or neutral undertones. Colours that work well for you include earthy tones like olive, rust, and camel, as well as warm jewel tones like emerald and sapphire. Avoid colours that are too washed out or pale, such as beige or light pink.

Deep skin tone: If you have deep skin, you may have warm or cool undertones. Colours that work well for you include rich jewel tones like ruby, amethyst, and emerald, as well as bold hues like fuchsia and tangerine. Avoid colours that are too muted or dull, such as grey or taupe.

Of course, these are just guidelines, and you should wear what makes you feel comfortable and confident. You can also experiment with different colours and shades to find your own personal style.

Be playful 

Your skin tone can affect how certain colours look on you, but it doesn't have to limit your wardrobe choices. By understanding your skin tone and undertones, and experimenting with different colours, you can find the best colours for your complexion and express your unique style. Remember to also consider other factors such as your personal preferences, the occasion, and the season when choosing your outfits.